Jun 23, 2020
Riding Shotgun With Charlie
LaKasha Robbins
Massachusetts Women Gun Owners
Gun Owners Action League
The DC Project
It was sometime in 2018 when I met LaKasha. She was modeling for the Gun Owners Action League (GOAL) Concealed Carry Fashion Show. I was the emcee. We were running into each other at 2A events put on by GOAL, The DC Project (DCP), and even trap shooting locally. Finally after about a year and a half of telling her she should be on the show, while we were sighting in some ARs recently, she agreed! She’s been interviewed by Tom Gresham & Cam Edwards, this ought to be like shooting a .22!
LaKasha Robbins is a relatively new shooter and gun owner. She’s had a license for several years, but things really started moving when she and some other female 2A activists in Massachusetts, started Mass Women Gun Owners (MWGO). She’s got some computer experience and organization skills, so she volunteered to help get materials and information out. She and the others started the group just to exchange ideas about self defense, the woman’s right to protection, and how to figure out what carry methods work well for women. Even though she’s isn’t fond of public speaking, she’s testified in DC and Boston.
From there, she started taking classes and became interested in becoming an instructor so she can help other new female gun owners learn to shoot, about firearm safety and self defense. This is her calling. We’ve taught at some GOAL events and she’s lots of respect from some veteran instructors.
The MWGO hosted a summit in 2018 to raise money for the organization. One of the guest instructors was Amanda Suffecool from Eye On The Target Radio and The DC Project. After a day of shooting and talking, LaKasha jumped on board as the MA Representative of the DCP. She’s been going to DC every year, teaming up with other female 2A activists and taking DC by storm, speaking to politicians across the country about the woman’s right to self defense. Unfortunately, this year, they had to not gather in our capitol.
In June of 2019, LaKasha went to Texas to raise money for the DCP, and she and the other DCP ladies got to hang out with Jerry Miculek and John “TIG” Tiegen. The DCP Team Match is set for the end of October 2020.
LaKasha and I shared some fun stories about trap shooting a few years ago. She also tells us that she’s really met so many wonderful and great people in the 2A community that help raise each other up. The DCP is looking to branch out at the state level. So, if you’re interested in helping out in any way in your state, check out the DC Project link below, look for your state rep and message her to get involved. You won’t be sorry. LaKasha has only been in the 2A community for a few years, and already, she’s working with many big name folks from around the country.
Favorite Quotes
“I thought it was kind of silly to have a gun and not use it”
“I’ve meet the nicest people in the gun community. Just so helpful. I wouldn’t be where I am today without the help of everyone.”
On joining The DC Project: “It sounded amazing, so I said “I’ll do it!”...Afterwards, that’s when I got anxious… But I went thru, I did it.”
“People need to realize that they’re (politicians) are just people, too”
“Every year you do it (testifying) it just gets easier”
“I encourage people to get out of their comfort zone, even if they’re scared”
“My passion is helping other women learn how to use a firearm just the way other people have helped me”
Mass Women Gun Owners
Gun Owners Action League
The DC Project
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Leadslingers Whiskey
Asfaleia Designs
Keyhole Holsters
Veteran Owned, American Made
Dennis McCurdy
Author, Speaker, Firewalker
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