May 14, 2019
Riding Shotgun With Charlie
#048 Lauren Hartnett
Girl's Got A Gun
DC Project
Thanks to Holly Sullivan, RSWC #036, for asking me to attend the CCDL Banquet in February. That's when and where I met Lauren. She wanted to make sure that I sat at the same table with Lauren.
Holly told me that Lauren was in from NYC and sitting at a table by the back of the room. I went to a couple tables, getting out of my comfort zone asking strangers if they were Lauren. But I finally got the correct table.
In April, I had some vacation time coming and I messaged Lauren. She was at A Girl And A Gun Conference when I messaged her, but she said she would be in for a ride in the stagecoach. I made a plan and headed to Staten Island.
Lauren learned about gun safety from her aunt in upstate New York. Professionally, she's an EMS in NYC. She's out at night, seeing all the things that happen in the biggest city at night. And she wasn't, and isn't, able to carry a firearm for self defense. The training required for a carry permit in NYC is nothing. All you need is $350 to apply for the permit.
Researching women's gun groups, she discovered the DC Project and emailed the Ms. New York. After exchanging some emails, Ms New York asked Lauren if she wanted to. That catapulted her into the world of ALL the pro gun women! After being energized by the DC Project, she went back and started Girl's Got A Gun. That lead to A Girl And A Gun Conference and more pro gun women.
We cover a lot of topics, we see the Freedom Tower, drive up the West Side Highway and head to the FDR Drive and back to Staten Island.
Please visit the Florida Carry Website here.
Girl's Got A Gun Website
Girl's Got A Gun Facebook Page
DC Project Website
DC Project Facebook Page
A Girl And A Gun Website
TIME Guns In America Website
If you enjoy the program, please donate here to help get the
'stagecoach' across America
RSWC Go Fund Me page