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Riding Shotgun With Charlie

Jul 27, 2021

Riding Shotgun With Charlie
Ben DeWalt
OnSight Firearms Training


One of my friends, Mark, asked if I was going to be taking a course called Defense Pistol - Accuracy and Accountability with Ben DeWalt of OnSight Firearms Training. I decided that I was going to do some training for myself this year and said only if...

Jul 20, 2021

Riding Shotgun With Charlie
Daniel Schmutter, Esq.
Hartman & Winnicki


Daniel Schmutter is an attorney in New Jersey. We ran into each other at NJSAFECON back in 2017. And certainly at GRPC over the last few years. I’ve heard Daniel on the Gun For Hire podcast for years and I finally had a chance to have him in the...

Jul 13, 2021

Riding Shotgun With Charlie
Tanisha Moner
NRA Instructor 
Chief Range Safety Officer, Legally Armed In Detroit


Tanisha Moner and I met this past March at the Florida Carry Speaker Event.  I was there to play the Star Spangled Banner and she was there with Rick Ector (RSWC #032) to find more instructors who want to be...

Jul 6, 2021

Riding Shotgun With Charlie
Stephannie Weidner
CEO, Active Self Protection

Stephannie Weidner has been coming up on my Facebook page as “someone you might know” for a long time. I’m friends with her husband, Neil. She and I also have a lot of friends in common.  Finally we got the chance to meet at the end of...