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Riding Shotgun With Charlie

Sep 25, 2019

Riding Shotgun With Charlie
Chris Dover

I was on CloverTac's podcast earlier this year. I was excited to hear he was coming to Gun Rights Policy Conference in Phoenix, AZ, on September 21 & 22. He was also at AMMcon on September 20.

He is busing his green tail getting shows out in all platforms. Videos on...

Sep 24, 2019

This summer, I headed to DC to hang out and get some shows with women from the DC Project.  You’ll be seeing and hearing from of those shows. 


I met Lori Blackwell at GPRC 2018 in Chicago. She’s a lawyer with became an avid shooter and instructor. Going to pick up Lori, Susan Hansen decided to also join us. ...

Sep 10, 2019

Riding Shotgun With Charlie
Kelly Pidgeon
ARMED and Feminine
RSWC #056 Kelly Pidgeon on YouTube

Imitation is the sincerest from of flattery. Don't believe me check out this video. Riding Shotgun WITHOUT Charlie
Kelly Pidgeon and Amanda Suffecool took it upon themselves to imitate Riding Shotgun With...